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Thanks for Your Courage!

Thanks for Your Courage!

“I’ve been a so-called coward and a so-called hero and there’s not the thickness of a sheet of paper between them. Maybe cowards and heroes are just ordinary men who, for a split second, do something out of the ordinary. That’s all.”
Lord Jim

“Maybe the opposite of courage is comfort.”
Rev. Ron Swain

Thank you to everybody who joined us on May 30th for an important discussion about what Courage means to you. We learned that, for some, courage goes beyond physical bravery. Courage also involves a willingness to listen to others, and to open up to others who you might not normally open up to.Thank you to Joni and Tammy Lorraine and the entire Unity Church of the Hills community for hosting us and welcoming us with open arms. A special thank you to Rev. Steve and Mary Bolen for your warm welcome, love and support. We wish you well in your retirement.

We hope to see you at the next Red Bench conversation in June as we discuss the topic of Freedom!